Organization Consulting

Organisational consulting services

​EXPERIENCE International considers organisational consulting one of the most important services to provide to its partners. Areas of intervention range from searching for distributors at the international level to organisational benchmarking and the more strategic consultancy of “performance gap” analysis.

Competitive benchmarking

Organisational benchmarking outlines a mapping and strategic analysis of the competitors’ organisation charts. This intervention plays a particularly important role in the niche, specialist and highly competitive markets.

Companies often need to get a reliable photograph of its competitors, so through Benchmarking analysis we reach the goal of learning about its organisational models, people employed and functional structures.

Identification and qualification of distributors

In addition to personnel assessment, EXPERIENCE International assists with sourcing and distributor qualification services at the international level. It particularly supports start-up companies in building their distribution networks (dealers, sales networks and creations of networks) at the EMEA level, with special focus placed on the emerging countries of the Middle East.

Company CHECK UP on resources and climate analysis

Our intervention will be aimed at analysing people, processes, methods and tools.

The company check-up consists of an overall diagnosis of a company’s state of health in order to determine its solidity and threat indexes aimed at singling out the strengths and weaknesses of the business model.

Company check-up GOALS

Define a structured medium- to long-term intervention plan for specific or cross-cutting functional areas.


Assess the overall state of health of the company or of some of its departments and acquire knowledge on its GAP areas
Highlight the strengths and weakness, market threats and opportunities, and identify the relevant areas for intervention;
Define a structured medium- to long-term intervention plan spanning the functions or aimed at optimising specific functional areas.


There are three intervention STAGES and they concern:

  • Collecting economic, financial and market data
  • Processing the quantitative and qualitative data regarding the following aspects
  • Analysis of the processes and methods
  • Organised structure
  • Customers and market
  • Interfunctional relationships and across the board assessments
  • Decision-making processes and methods
  • Communications between sectors
  • Tools and methods for reaching targets
  • Remuneration satisfaction surveys
  • Reporting to define a plan of action

During this stage, we will draw up different reports, both numerical and descriptive, that provide a consulting plan with relevant explanation of the type of intervention, method and timing.


  • When there is unrest in the company
  • When you want to analyse the needs of your collaborators
  • When you want to plan a targeting training intervention customised based on the performance gaps
  • When you want to assess the building of an organisational model different from the current one
  • When you want to learn the state of health of your company

Gap Analysis

A Gap Analysis is a type of assessment necessary in all those cases where we have to search for the reasons lying behind significant deviations between some key data or variables of a project.

The model that we adopt follows these steps:

  • Identify the area to be analysed and the targets to reach.
  • Consider the plan by establishing a baselinewithin the project plan (scope, time table, costs, resources, risks, quality, procurement).
  • Compare the current state against the plan. What causes contributed to failure to reach project targets.
  • Quantify the deviation.
  • Identify the causes of the deviation. After having searched for the potential causes, we define the contribution of each one of them to the gap with a Pareto analysis.
  • Provide recommendations. We will conclude our intervention by providing a plan to fill the highlighted deviations while urging a change on “what to change” and how to do it.

Advantages of the Gap Analysis

1. Guarantee that the requirements of the project have been met
2. Find areas of weakness and shortcomings to deal with
3. Discover the differences in perception of facts as compared to reality
4. Provide information to support management’s decision-making process
5. Identify the points on which to focus attention and resources
6. Give priority to the corrective measures to implement



EXPERIENCE International adopts a modular approach in which moments of interaction alternate with moments of our observation in the field.

The goal is to verify whether a formal clearness of the roles exists, whether gaps, overlapping and misunderstandings that don’t make the work process of the existing strengths streamlined emerge, whether it is therefore necessary to work on the clearness of the directives and on the transfer of information system.

A screening of the resources present in different company areas is performed in order to get a precise idea of the existing strengths in terms of skills, knowledge, adaptability to the role and growth potential prior to hypothetical redefinitions of the roles and duties.

It will be our job to intervene on a model that contemplates structure, roles and people.

For the structure, we will assess the overall design of the division of responsibilities within the system, which we will analyse, and we will define the areas of action between the various entities forming the system.

For the roles, we will analyse the set of rules and characteristics that pertain to the single positions in order to define and pinpoint the actual roles compared to the declared roles.

For the people, we will make an analysis on who is present in the company area in order to learn about their behaviour, values and company integration.

  • analyse tasks and responsibilities of the positions held;
  • identify the areas of satisfaction of the individual operators and their degree of motivation;
  • define the level of “executive security” in the role;
  • assess the perceived workloads;
  • intercept potential logics of environmental conflict and relationship dynamics.

Days of observation and partnering the operators during their work activity will be carried out. Starting from the real observation, the activities performed in day to day operations are defined in an overview

During this stage, the consultant in charge of the project will go to your offices with the goal of partnering and analysing the individual operator during the work day, and will try to generate a comparison using Gap Analysis.

Following the Gap Analysis, we will have the elements necessary so that we can propose to you some guidelines for change for the resources employed as far as the following aspects are concerned:

  • The key skills of each operator
  • The analysis of the activities of the individual operators
  • The work loads
  • The relationship dynamics
  • The flows of information
  • Routine and extraordinary operations;
  • Analysis of the operating time;
  • Executive frequencies
  • Company relationships and interdependences


  • When corporate integrations are in progress
  • When you want to analyse the needs of your collaborators
  • When you want to plan a targeting training intervention customised based on the performance gaps
  • When you want to assess the building of an organisational model different from the one adopted
  • When you want to learn the state of health of your company
  • When you want to redefine roles and duties